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Rights and Respect Regardless of Gender

Rights and Respect Regardless of Gender

Prevention of gender based violence through awareness raising and education on social values that support equal rights and respect of all members of the community, regardless of their gender, is main objective of this project. Additional focus of this project is on public awareness raising on presence of gender based violence and available assistance mechanisms.

Project activities include training of 20 volunteers on the topics of gender-based violence, non-violent communication and institutional mechanisms, engagement of trained volunteers in preparation and implementation of street campaigns in 6 municipalities/cities of Tuzla Canton (City of Tuzla, Municipalities: Živinice, Lukavac, Gradačac, Gračanica and Kladanj). Upon completion of the street campaigns lectures for approximately 500 students in these municipalities/cities will be organized and implemented and the goal of the lectures is raising awareness among students and educating them on recognition and prevention of gender-based violence.

For approximately 20 high school teachers 2 day workshop will be organized and implemented on the topics of prevention of gender based violence and non-violent communication.

The entire project is realized in cooperation with the Ministry of Internal Affairs TK. Uniformed policewomen are taking part in street campaigns in all of the municipalities/cities. Representative of Ministry of Internal Affairs (Department of Juvenile Delinquency and Domestic Violence) will take part in the lectures aimed at the prevention of gender based violence in youth relationships.

We are grateful to Government of Canada for their contribution to this project through Canada Fund for Local Initiatives.

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