Preventing gender based violence (violence against a person because of her/his gender) is focused on overcoming the patriarchal gender norm.
Various activities are tailored to elementary and high school students and are implemented in cooperation with the teaching and professional school staff.
Volunteer education of young professionals
Volunteer education of young professionals on the topic of Gender Based Violence Prevention of school-aged children is aimed at improving professional and personal competencies of young professionals in helping disciplines. This education covers the following topics: gender, sex, gender equality, discrimination, gender based violence and educational methods for leading psycho-educative workshops for children and young people. Volunteers have supervisory and professional support for their preparations and subsequent work with school children.
Educating teaching and professional school staff
Educating teaching and professional school staff in elementary and high schools about Gender based Violence Prevention–participants gain knowledge on the topics of sex, gender, gender equality, discrimination and gender based violence.
Psychoeducational Workshops
Psychoeducational Workshops for elementary school children on the topic of Gender Based Violence Prevention are age specific and specifically address the topic of gender, sex, gender equality and start a dialog about gender based violence and its prevention.
Training and supervision of high school peer counselors
Training and supervision of high school peer counselors for work with their peers about Gender Based Violence in Relationships consists of two parts: Gender Based Violence and Interpersonal Skills. Supervision of peer counselors includes mentor support and regular supervisory meetings. Here peer counselors have an opportunity to address any difficulties or uncertainties in their work and receive support to effectively handle gender based violence cases.
Skits and role plays about Gender Based Violence
Skits and role plays about Gender Based Violence are created for different age groups from elementary to high school levels. They are structured to provide information, education and dialog about gender, sex, and gender equality. Active audience participation helps to uncover governing attitudes and beliefs and to present viable non-violent conflict resolutions.
Sports day
Sports day includes a number of activities: elementary school art competitions and exhibits aimed to promote gender equality and prevent gender based violence, sporting events and games without borders promoting equal participation of male and female students in otherwise traditionally gender specific sports, games and competitions.