Addiction Prevention Through Development of Adolescents Personal Competencies

Addiction Prevention Through Development of Adolescents Personal Competencies

In period August – December 2019, Amica Educa has realized Project Addiction Prevention Through Development of Adolescents Personal Competencies. The Project had multisector approach, including; Amica Educa, Centre for Mental Health Tuzla and Medical School.

As a result, 17 students were psychologically strengthened and educated to act as peer educators in field of adolescent’s mental health and addiction prevention. Within project, 9 psycho-educative workshops were held for one group of students (peer educators), and one lecture was given for 80 students and teaching staff.

Workshops were realized by expert team and associates of Amica Educa and the lecture was held by psychologist from Centre for Mental Health. Also, within the Project; psychotherapeutic support was provided to interested students, school library was donated with 18 new titles in field of psychology, media promotion increased awareness importance of mental health in addiction prevention.

The Project was realized under assumption that improvement of mental health of adolescents and development of basic life skills and personal resources is imperative for addiction prevention. Peer educators will realize workshops with students, enabling long term prevention program in Medical School Tuzla.

Project was financially supported by Federal Ministry of Education and Science.

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