Diversity and integration in the education of preschool children

Diversity and integration in the education of preschool children

In October 2023, Amica Educa together with 6 other partners started implementation of the two-year project INDEAR – Diversity and integration in the education of preschool children. 
The project is being implemented within the framework of the ERASMUS + project. The project involves partners from Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland who are experts in the fields of early childhood education and adult education. 
Recognizing the importance and needs of professionals working in the field of upbringing and education of preschool children, as well as significant social changes (migration for various reasons, traumatic experiences of children, changes in family systems), the project aims to promote diversity and integration in institutions that deal with early childhood education, but also with education of professionals  to be for their future work with children. 
Project activities are planned to provide knowledge and skills to professionals so that they can adequately respond to social changes and challenges, providing quality support to children and families. 
For this purpose, a self-assessment tool and training will be created in the areas of trauma, culture, gender identity and sexual orientation. 
Project partners:
Vhs Cham (Germany)
Amica Educa (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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