Family dynamics

Family dynamics

Family Dynamics workshops are based on the principles of Systemic Family Therapy. It considers the family as a complex and coherent whole, as a system that is part of the society in which it exists. Family influences the development of each of its members individually, and each member, through their actions affect the structure and functioning of the family. Changes in any part of the family system affect all members and their mental health by directly enhancing or disturbing it.

Participants are encouraged to identify their own frame of thinking, beliefs about family, gender roles and relationships within the family. With a better understanding of the psychological impact of the social environment and family system on the development and behavior of the individual, participants change their perception of family problems, and accept and improve family relationships with more responsibility. Family constellations (which was developed by the German psychotherapist, philosopher, theologian and educator Bert Hellinger) is an integral part of the work with participants. This is a technique that provides an insight into the structure of the problem, as well as guidelines for changes within the system, finding new resources and opportunities for action.

The emphasis is on the development of trust in the group which facilitates experiential learning, motivates change in personal relations, and contributes to mental and social health of the participants.