Family Group Conferences

Family Group Conferences

Amica Educa has been working in conjunction with the Tuzla Centre for Social Work on “Family Group Conferences” (FGC) since 2016. FGC is an innovative approach to helping families with children and youth at risk and/or in crisis. This model helps families recognize and activate their own resources in resolving family difficulties. In doing so, they are more likely to follow-through and address their issues.

In 2017, the project was expanded to include seven elementary and one secondary school in Tuzla municipality Kiseljak, Bukinje, Miladije, Kreka, Pazar, Simin, Han Elementary Schools and Economic-Trade School. These schools have implemented this model into their educational practices. On average, 15 FGCs are coordinated each project year, including approximately 100 participants (children, parents, members of their wider social network and professionals). During the project year 2018/2019, 16 family group conferences were held, involving 21 children directly, 15 indirectly; 22 parents; 53 professionals; 50 broader family members–for atotal of 161 participants. Since inception, more than 85% of families have completed the plan created and adopted in FGC.

To provide comprehensive and more concrete support to families, Association Amica Educa maintains cooperation with numerous institutions and organizations such as: YES Center – SOS Kinderdorf B&H, Red Cross Tuzla, Center for Mental Health Tuzla, Health Insurance Institute of Tuzla Canton, Ministry of Veteran Affairs of Tuzla Canton, Service for Veteran-invalid Protection, Tuzla City Government, Office for Human Rights, Association ‘Zemlja djece’, CBC Radost, Association ‘Prijateljice’ and others.

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