Peers as Change Agents

Peers as Change Agents

The Peers as Change Agents project, aims to improve the mental health of young people and reduce gender-based violence in youth relationships by engaging trained young people to act as peer counselors, multiplicators and initiators of changes in the community.

The project will empower and educate 50 young people who will later, as project volunteers, carry out activities aimed at educating and providing support to other young people in various communities in Tuzla Canton. 220 young people will have the opportunity to participate in info-sessions or psycho-educational trainings and/or be supported through peer counseling by trained peer counselors (project volunteers).

In order to increase citizens’ awareness of the importance of youth mental health and reduce gender-based violence in youth relationships, project volunteers will carry out advocacy activities such as a street campaign on mental health and activities within the 16 Days of activism against GBV, which is planned to include about 1.000 people in Tuzla Canton and campaign on social networks that will cover at least 50,000 people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

After being educated in Political Literacy, project volunteers will also create an initiative to improve the position of young people in Tuzla Town, conduct a petition and collect 3,000 signatures from citizens and propose it to the city authorities.

Project is financed by Frieda – The Feminist Peace Organisation (Switzerland)

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