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Family counseling center

Family counseling center

Family Counseling Resources have been continuously provided since 2009. The program supports families and individuals with dysfunctional family relationships, child-raising problems, domestic violence and other crises and stressful situations, empowering them to make positive changes and improve quality of life. Program activities include individual, partner and marital counseling, psychotherapy and psychoeducation.

The Family Counseling Center specializes in the following issues: marital difficulties and difficulties after divorce, personal crises, domestic violence, addiction illnesses, parenting and adolescent problems, among others.

In the last 10 years, the project has provided support to close to 5,000 people through more than 11,000 counseling sessions and workshops.

The project is supported by the Tuzla Canton Government, the Ministry of Labour, Social Policy and Return of TK and the partner organization Amica Schweiz.

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